Monday, February 11, 2013

Daily Life/Economy

     The daily life in this utopia is a calm one. First of all, everybody wakes up no later than 10am. You'll get up, get ready. and eat breakfast. Lunch will be served at 1pm. Dinner will be served at 7pm. Swimming will be allowed through all times of the day. It will be just like the regular day of a normal everyday life like we live in now, except there will be limits.
     Crime will not be allowed. Criminals or mental cases will not be allowed on the island. Any people who decide to become mental cases or criminals while on the island will be shot with a tranquilizer dart, and tossed into the ocean with a small boat and a rubber floaty.
     The island is expense free. Absolutely no paying for anything other than the cruise to the island.
    Emotions will be allowed on the island. There are no limits to emotions. You can feel the way that you feel, and everybody will try to help you the best that they can.
    We will try to make the island a true utopia. It won't fit every ones needs, after all, there is no mass produced human, but I hope the island will be given a chance by those who seek peace.

1 comment:

  1. How does the island provide for the food and shelter?
